The 10 Most Profitable Freelance Writing Niches in 2024 (Ranked By Industry)

Published: January 19, 2024
Read Time: 8 minutes

Are you a beginner writer trying to find a profitable freelance writing niche but don’t know where to start?


Or maybe you’re a generalist freelance writer looking to position yourself as an expert in a specific niche so you can finally land some high-paying writing gigs.


Regardless of where you’re at, finding a profitable freelance writing niche in which you have expert knowledge is your ticket to high-paying writing gigs and becoming a six-figure freelance writer.


Plenty of others are doing it, so why can’t you?


In this article, I’ll share the 10 highest-paying freelance writing niches ranked by industry. I’ll also explain how I found my lucrative niche, offer tips for determining whether a niche is profitable, and give advice on choosing yours.


Let’s get started.

What is a Freelance Writing Niche Anyways?

A freelance writing niche is a specific audience or industry where you apply your writing skills.


Ideally, your niche lies at the intersection of your passion and expertise.


For example, suppose you’re a certified personal trainer who loves writing about the benefits of exercise and creating workout plans. In that case, you can position yourself as an expert in the health and wellness industry, writing content for high-paying fitness publications.


Or, if you have a finance background and love geeking out on new technology, writing about the latest trends in the fintech niche could be a lucrative option for you.


Specialization is the key to positioning yourself as an expert in that niche, allowing you to land premium clients and charge premium rates.


For example, a fashion and lifestyle brand looking for content writers is much more likely to hire a freelance writer with a fashion background than a generalist.


Becoming an expert in a specific niche will attract high-paying clients in that industry, allowing you to earn more money for the same amount of time and effort.

How to Know if a Freelance Writing Niche is High-Paying?

Here are 5 ways to determine whether or not a freelance writing niche is profitable:


  • Market Demand and Trends: What’s your niche’s current market demand for content? Look for industries or topics that are experiencing growth and have a consistent need for content.

    Free online tools: Google TrendsBuzzSumoAnswerThePublic

  • Client Budgets: How big are your potential clients’ budgets? High-paying niches often attract clients with larger budgets willing to pay premium rates.

    Free online tools: GlassDoorIndustry ReportsPayscale

  • Competition Analysis: Are there many other freelance writers in your niche? If there’s high demand but limited competition, this could be a lucrative opportunity.

    Free online tools: UbersuggestSEMrushAhrefs

  • Networking Opportunities: Are there opportunities for networking your niche? If there are industry events, online communities, and other opportunities to connect with professionals in your niche, it could signal a thriving niche with high income-earning potential.

    Free online tools: LinkedIn, Meetup, X

  • Long-Term Viability: Is it sustainable to write in your niche long-term? Just because a niche is popular now doesn’t mean there will be demand for content forever.

    Consider things like industry growth, changes in consumer behavior, and technological advancements to confirm the sustainability and profitability of your chosen niche.

    Free online tools: StatistaGoogle ScholarIBISWorld

How to Choose A Freelance Writing Niche

My freelance writing niche is health and wellness. I specialize in writing nutrition and fitness-related content for several premium online publications.


Fortunately, nutrition and fitness are two of my passions. I was also a certified nutritionist with an extensive fitness background before becoming a writer, so choosing my niche was a no-brainer. 


My knowledge and expertise were aligned with my passion and interests.


Now, I realize that not everyone is this lucky. When they first start freelance writing, most people have no clue what niche they want to write in.


If you find yourself in this boat, don’t worry. Finding a profitable niche that fits your interests is easier than you’d think.


Create two lists—one that lists all your skills and the other of your interests. Be detailed and don’t leave anything out.


Highlight the top 3 items under each list. Then, use the tips above to determine whether your niche is profitable and something you can write about for the foreseeable future.


This exercise will help you choose a niche that a) interests you and b) has high-profit potential.


However, don’t randomly choose your niche based on income potential alone. And don’t settle for any work that comes your way.


Instead, write sample articles showcasing your expertise and knowledge in your niche. Publish them on your website or Medium, LinkedIn, X, etc. These will serve as your portfolio and boost your authority and credibility in your niche.


This approach takes time. But it’s the most effective way to build a respectable reputation and eventually land high-paying writing jobs in your chosen niche.

The 10 Highest Paying Freelance Writing Niches (By Industry)

1. Technical / SaaS (Software as a Service)

The Technical / Software as a Service (SaaS) niche involves creating content related to software, technology, and services. SaaS companies typically have complex new technologies that they need to communicate clearly to their audience.


An example of this is Salesforce, a leader in cloud-based CRM software. Companies like Salesforce need freelance writers to clearly explain their products and services and how they can help users solve specific problems.


Freelance writers in this niche may write:

  • Blog posts
  • Email newsletters
  • Case studies highlighting success stories
  • In-depth software reviews and comparisons
  • Tutorials or guides on using specific software tools
  • Website copy explaining new technologies and trends

2. Personal Finance

Personal Finance writers educate audiences on managing money, investments, budgeting, and financial planning. This niche requires a solid understanding of economic principles and the ability to simplify complex topics.


Due to the recent growth of the fintech industry, personal finance is on the rise as more people than ever are looking for new technologies to manage their finances. 


That means banks, credit card companies, fintech startups, and more need freelance writers for content creation.


An example of this is NerdWallet, a well-known platform offering financial guidance. Writers for NerdWallet might contribute articles related to smart investing, credit score improvement, or guides on navigating tax season.


Here are common opportunities for freelance personal finance writers:

  • Tax-saving tips
  • Guides on credit management
  • Budgeting tips for different life stages
  • Explainers on financial and planning tools
  • Investment strategies and market analyses
  • Retirement planning and investment options

3. Health and Wellness

Health and wellness writers focus on topics related to physical and mental well-being, including fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle.

Freelance writers in this niche must be skilled at translating complex scientific info into accessible, engaging content that’s easy to digest.


The health and wellness space is a massive evergreen niche that is here to stay.

The growing awareness of healthy lifestyles has fueled the demand for health and wellness content. More people than ever are actively seeking advice on fitness routines, balanced diets, and mental health.


Look at Healthline, one of the leading health information sites. Writers for this site could cover anything from healthy living and medical breakthroughs to practical fitness and nutrition advice.


Some topics freelance health and wellness writers may cover include:

  • Weight loss
  • Workout plans
  • Healthy recipes
  • Nutrition guides
  • Fitness routines
  • Disease prevention
  • Fitness product reviews
  • Explaining popular diets and trends
  • Mental health and wellness strategies
  • Explainers on medical conditions and treatments

4. Ecommerce

Ecommerce writers focus on creating content for online businesses. They cover topics like product descriptions, marketing strategies, and industry trends to help ecommerce brands grow and make money.


The ecommerce industry is booming. Businesses are constantly looking for new ways to boost their online presence and drive more sales. This is good news for ecommerce writers, as these businesses need high-quality content to attract customers.


A perfect example of this is Shopify, a leading ecommerce platform. Shopify needs writers to create ad copy, marketing campaigns, and product descriptions for various products, such as clothing, jewelry, pet products, phone accessories, and more.


Potential opportunities for ecommerce writers include:

  • Ad copy
  • Product descriptions
  • Ecommerce platform reviews and comparisons
  • Guides for improving online store conversion rates
  • Social media marketing for ecommerce businesses

5. Digital Marketing

Many businesses and entrepreneurs are shifting toward doing most of their business online. 


This opens the door for freelance writers to cover a wide range of digital marketing topics, including SEO, content marketing, social media, and online advertising. 


Many companies in this niche require long-form blog posts, in-depth guides, and tutorials on SEO and digital marketing strategies. 


An excellent example of this is Moz, a reputable site whose content aims to educate businesses on effective digital marketing strategies.


Potential opportunities for digital marketing writers are:

  • Case studies
  • Social media content
  • Email marketing tactics
  • Comprehensive guides to SEO best practices

6. Sustainable Living

Writers in this niche focus on environmentally friendly practices, eco-conscious lifestyles, and green technologies—all while aiming to inspire readers to make sustainable choices.


This niche is gaining momentum as the awareness around environmental sustainability continues to grow.


Businesses are eager to align themselves with eco-friendly values, creating plenty of opportunities for writers to share insights and promote sustainable brands.


For example, check out Treehugger, a platform that promotes sustainable living. Freelance writers on this site cover anything from zero-waste living and renewable energy solutions to eco-friendly product reviews and explainers on energy-efficient homes. 


Here are common topics freelance writers cover in this niche:

  • Guides to reducing household waste
  • Eco-friendly home improvement ideas
  • Explainers on renewable energy sources
  • Reviews of sustainable and ethical brands
  • Tips for sustainable fashion and lifestyle changes

7. Legal

Legal is a broad niche encompassing business law, intellectual property, criminal law, and more. Writers in this niche must understand law basics and provide insights, analysis, and advice on legal matters.


Businesses and individuals want straightforward, authoritative content that helps them navigate the complex legal system. Writers who can simplify legal complexities are in high demand.


A good example is FindLaw, a widely used legal resource offering information on various legal topics. 


Freelance writers in this niche might contribute articles on recent court decisions, legal processes, or business compliance.

Other opportunities for legal writers include:

  • SEO blog articles
  • Analysis of landmark legal cases
  • Insights into intellectual property rights
  • Social media writing for lawyers/law firms
  • Legal guides for entrepreneurs and small businesses
  • Updates on changes in business and employment law

8. Real Estate

Real estate freelance writers focus on various topics, including property markets, investment strategies, home buying and selling tips, and broader industry trends.


Real estate is a dynamic industry with constant market fluctuations. That means the demand for up-to-date info on property transactions, investment opportunities, and market analyses is high.


Zillow, a leading real estate platform, is a strong example of this. It provides loan information, helps you contact real estate agents, and gives recommendations on buying, renting, and selling homes.


Potential opportunities for freelance real estate writers are:

  • Email writing
  • SEO blog articles
  • Property descriptions
  • Social media writing for realtors
  • Local market trends and analysis
  • Video script writing for real estate YouTubers
  • Guides to navigating the home buying process
  • Investment strategies in the real estate market

9. Travel

If you love the idea of traveling the world, writing in coffee shops, and funding your lifestyle as a digital nomad, then travel writing may be the option for you.


Freelance travel writers explore destinations, provide travel tips and cultural insights, and share personal experiences to inspire and inform readers. The travel industry is coming back to life after the COVID-19 pandemic, and people are looking for fresh perspectives and information on destinations.


An excellent example of this is Lonely Planet, a renowned publication in the travel industry. Lonely Planet needs writers to provide travel guides, planning tips, personal stories, and more to drive traffic to their website.


Potential topics that travel writers may cover include:

  • SEO blog articles
  • Travel guides and itineraries
  • Hotel and restaurant reviews
  • Cultural insights and experiences
  • Adventure travel and outdoor activities
  • How-to guides for budgeting and money-saving tips

10. Education

Education writers cover teaching methods, new technologies, curriculum development, and broader topics in the education field.


Education is a continuously evolving field. Educators, administrators, and parents are on the constant lookout for new insights and innovative ideas. This is where freelance writers can step in and earn a buck.


Take Edutopia, for example. This education-based platform needs writers to contribute articles on anything from social-emotional learning and bullying prevention to technology integration and classroom management. 


Opportunities for freelance education writers include:

  • Critical thinking
  • Educational trends
  • Curriculum planning
  • Project-based learning
  • Technology integration
  • Curriculum development
  • Classroom management
  • Social-emotional learning
  • Innovative teaching methods and approaches

The 10 Most Profitable Freelance Writing Niches in 2024 (Ranked By Industry)

Published: January 19, 2023
Read Time: 8 minutes

Are you a beginner writer trying to find a profitable freelance writing niche but don’t know where to start?


Or maybe you’re a generalist freelance writer looking to position yourself as an expert in a specific niche so you can finally land some high-paying writing gigs.


Regardless of where you’re at, finding a profitable freelance writing niche in which you have expert knowledge is your ticket to high-paying writing gigs and becoming a six-figure freelance writer.


Plenty of others are doing it, so why can’t you?


In this article, I’ll share the 10 highest-paying freelance writing niches ranked by industry. I’ll also explain how I found my lucrative niche, offer tips for determining whether a niche is profitable, and give advice on choosing yours.


Let’s get started.

What is a Freelance Writing Niche Anyways?

A freelance writing niche is a specific audience or industry where you apply your writing skills.


Ideally, your niche lies at the intersection of your passion and expertise.


For example, suppose you’re a certified personal trainer who loves writing about the benefits of exercise and creating workout plans. In that case, you can position yourself as an expert in the health and wellness industry, writing content for high-paying fitness publications.


Or, if you have a finance background and love geeking out on new technology, writing about the latest trends in the fintech niche could be a lucrative option for you.


Specialization is the key to positioning yourself as an expert in that niche, allowing you to land premium clients and charge premium rates.


For example, a fashion and lifestyle brand looking for content writers is much more likely to hire a freelance writer with a fashion background than a generalist.


Becoming an expert in a specific niche will attract high-paying clients in that industry, allowing you to earn more money for the same amount of time and effort.

How to Know if a Freelance Writing Niche is High-Paying?

Here are 5 ways to determine whether or not a freelance writing niche is profitable:


  • Market Demand and Trends: What’s your niche’s current market demand for content? Look for industries or topics that are experiencing growth and have a consistent need for content.

    Free online tools: Google TrendsBuzzSumoAnswerThePublic

  • Client Budgets: How big are your potential clients’ budgets? High-paying niches often attract clients with larger budgets willing to pay premium rates.

    Free online tools: GlassDoorIndustry ReportsPayscale

  • Competition Analysis: Are there many other freelance writers in your niche? If there’s high demand but limited competition, this could be a lucrative opportunity.

    Free online tools: UbersuggestSEMrushAhrefs

  • Networking Opportunities: Are there opportunities for networking your niche? If there are industry events, online communities, and other opportunities to connect with professionals in your niche, it could signal a thriving niche with high income-earning potential.

    Free online tools: LinkedIn, Meetup, X

  • Long-Term Viability: Is it sustainable to write in your niche long-term? Just because a niche is popular now doesn’t mean there will be demand for content forever.

    Consider things like industry growth, changes in consumer behavior, and technological advancements to confirm the sustainability and profitability of your chosen niche.

    Free online tools: StatistaGoogle ScholarIBISWorld

How to Choose A Freelance Writing Niche

My freelance writing niche is health and wellness. I specialize in writing nutrition and fitness-related content for several premium online publications.


Fortunately, nutrition and fitness are two of my passions. I was also a certified nutritionist with an extensive fitness background before becoming a writer, so choosing my niche was a no-brainer. 


My knowledge and expertise were aligned with my passion and interests.


Now, I realize that not everyone is this lucky. When they first start freelance writing, most people have no clue what niche they want to write in.


If you find yourself in this boat, don’t worry. Finding a profitable niche that fits your interests is easier than you’d think.


Create two lists—one that lists all your skills and the other of your interests. Be detailed and don’t leave anything out.


Highlight the top 3 items under each list. Then, use the tips above to determine whether your niche is profitable and something you can write about for the foreseeable future.


This exercise will help you choose a niche that a) interests you and b) has high-profit potential.


However, don’t randomly choose your niche based on income potential alone. And don’t settle for any work that comes your way.


Instead, write sample articles showcasing your expertise and knowledge in your niche. Publish them on your website or Medium, LinkedIn, X, etc. These will serve as your portfolio and boost your authority and credibility in your niche.


This approach takes time. But it’s the most effective way to build a respectable reputation and eventually land high-paying writing jobs in your chosen niche.

The 10 Highest Paying Freelance Writing Niches (By Industry)

1. Technical / SaaS (Software as a Service)

The Technical / Software as a Service (SaaS) niche involves creating content related to software, technology, and services. SaaS companies typically have complex new technologies that they need to communicate clearly to their audience.


An example of this is Salesforce, a leader in cloud-based CRM software. Companies like Salesforce need freelance writers to clearly explain their products and services and how they can help users solve specific problems.


Freelance writers in this niche may write:

  • Blog posts
  • Email newsletters
  • Case studies highlighting success stories
  • In-depth software reviews and comparisons
  • Tutorials or guides on using specific software tools
  • Website copy explaining new technologies and trends

2. Personal Finance

Personal Finance writers educate audiences on managing money, investments, budgeting, and financial planning. This niche requires a solid understanding of economic principles and the ability to simplify complex topics.


Due to the recent growth of the fintech industry, personal finance is on the rise as more people than ever are looking for new technologies to manage their finances. 


That means banks, credit card companies, fintech startups, and more need freelance writers for content creation.


An example of this is NerdWallet, a well-known platform offering financial guidance. Writers for NerdWallet might contribute articles related to smart investing, credit score improvement, or guides on navigating tax season.


Here are common opportunities for freelance personal finance writers:

  • Tax-saving tips
  • Guides on credit management
  • Budgeting tips for different life stages
  • Explainers on financial and planning tools
  • Investment strategies and market analyses
  • Retirement planning and investment options

3. Health and Wellness

Health and wellness writers focus on topics related to physical and mental well-being, including fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle.

Freelance writers in this niche must be skilled at translating complex scientific info into accessible, engaging content that’s easy to digest.


The health and wellness space is a massive evergreen niche that is here to stay.

The growing awareness of healthy lifestyles has fueled the demand for health and wellness content. More people than ever are actively seeking advice on fitness routines, balanced diets, and mental health.


Look at Healthline, one of the leading health information sites. Writers for this site could cover anything from healthy living and medical breakthroughs to practical fitness and nutrition advice.


Some topics freelance health and wellness writers may cover include:

  • Weight loss
  • Workout plans
  • Healthy recipes
  • Nutrition guides
  • Fitness routines
  • Disease prevention
  • Fitness product reviews
  • Explaining popular diets and trends
  • Mental health and wellness strategies
  • Explainers on medical conditions and treatments

4. Ecommerce

Ecommerce writers focus on creating content for online businesses. They cover topics like product descriptions, marketing strategies, and industry trends to help ecommerce brands grow and make money.


The ecommerce industry is booming. Businesses are constantly looking for new ways to boost their online presence and drive more sales. This is good news for ecommerce writers, as these businesses need high-quality content to attract customers.


A perfect example of this is Shopify, a leading ecommerce platform. Shopify needs writers to create ad copy, marketing campaigns, and product descriptions for various products, such as clothing, jewelry, pet products, phone accessories, and more.


Potential opportunities for ecommerce writers include:

  • Ad copy
  • Product descriptions
  • Ecommerce platform reviews and comparisons
  • Guides for improving online store conversion rates
  • Social media marketing for ecommerce businesses

5. Digital Marketing

Many businesses and entrepreneurs are shifting toward doing most of their business online. 


This opens the door for freelance writers to cover a wide range of digital marketing topics, including SEO, content marketing, social media, and online advertising. 


Many companies in this niche require long-form blog posts, in-depth guides, and tutorials on SEO and digital marketing strategies. 


An excellent example of this is Moz, a reputable site whose content aims to educate businesses on effective digital marketing strategies.


Potential opportunities for digital marketing writers are:

  • Case studies
  • Social media content
  • Email marketing tactics
  • Comprehensive guides to SEO best practices

6. Sustainable Living

Writers in this niche focus on environmentally friendly practices, eco-conscious lifestyles, and green technologies—all while aiming to inspire readers to make sustainable choices.


This niche is gaining momentum as the awareness around environmental sustainability continues to grow.


Businesses are eager to align themselves with eco-friendly values, creating plenty of opportunities for writers to share insights and promote sustainable brands.


For example, check out Treehugger, a platform that promotes sustainable living. Freelance writers on this site cover anything from zero-waste living and renewable energy solutions to eco-friendly product reviews and explainers on energy-efficient homes. 


Here are common topics freelance writers cover in this niche:

  • Guides to reducing household waste
  • Eco-friendly home improvement ideas
  • Explainers on renewable energy sources
  • Reviews of sustainable and ethical brands
  • Tips for sustainable fashion and lifestyle changes

7. Legal

Legal is a broad niche encompassing business law, intellectual property, criminal law, and more. Writers in this niche must understand law basics and provide insights, analysis, and advice on legal matters.


Businesses and individuals want straightforward, authoritative content that helps them navigate the complex legal system. Writers who can simplify legal complexities are in high demand.


A good example is FindLaw, a widely used legal resource offering information on various legal topics. 


Freelance writers in this niche might contribute articles on recent court decisions, legal processes, or business compliance.

Other opportunities for legal writers include:

  • SEO blog articles
  • Analysis of landmark legal cases
  • Insights into intellectual property rights
  • Social media writing for lawyers/law firms
  • Legal guides for entrepreneurs and small businesses
  • Updates on changes in business and employment law

8. Real Estate

Real estate freelance writers focus on various topics, including property markets, investment strategies, home buying and selling tips, and broader industry trends.


Real estate is a dynamic industry with constant market fluctuations. That means the demand for up-to-date info on property transactions, investment opportunities, and market analyses is high.


Zillow, a leading real estate platform, is a strong example of this. It provides loan information, helps you contact real estate agents, and gives recommendations on buying, renting, and selling homes.


Potential opportunities for freelance real estate writers are:

  • Email writing
  • SEO blog articles
  • Property descriptions
  • Social media writing for realtors
  • Local market trends and analysis
  • Video script writing for real estate YouTubers
  • Guides to navigating the home buying process
  • Investment strategies in the real estate market

9. Travel

If you love the idea of traveling the world, writing in coffee shops, and funding your lifestyle as a digital nomad, then travel writing may be the option for you.


Freelance travel writers explore destinations, provide travel tips and cultural insights, and share personal experiences to inspire and inform readers. The travel industry is coming back to life after the COVID-19 pandemic, and people are looking for fresh perspectives and information on destinations.


An excellent example of this is Lonely Planet, a renowned publication in the travel industry. Lonely Planet needs writers to provide travel guides, planning tips, personal stories, and more to drive traffic to their website.


Potential topics that travel writers may cover include:

  • SEO blog articles
  • Travel guides and itineraries
  • Hotel and restaurant reviews
  • Cultural insights and experiences
  • Adventure travel and outdoor activities
  • How-to guides for budgeting and money-saving tips

10. Education

Education writers cover teaching methods, new technologies, curriculum development, and broader topics in the education field.


Education is a continuously evolving field. Educators, administrators, and parents are on the constant lookout for new insights and innovative ideas. This is where freelance writers can step in and earn a buck.


Take Edutopia, for example. This education-based platform needs writers to contribute articles on anything from social-emotional learning and bullying prevention to technology integration and classroom management. 


Opportunities for freelance education writers include:

  • Critical thinking
  • Educational trends
  • Curriculum planning
  • Project-based learning
  • Technology integration
  • Curriculum development
  • Classroom management
  • Social-emotional learning
  • Innovative teaching methods and approaches