The 5 Best Strategies for Finding High-Paying Freelance Writing Jobs

Published: December 26, 2023
Read Time: 5 minutes

When I first got into freelance writing 3 years ago, I was clueless about finding online writing jobs. Especially ones that would pay well.


I thought all you had to do was peruse job boards, slap together a resume and portfolio, ship it off to clients, and wait for the work (and money) to start rolling in.


But this approach to finding freelance writing jobs is a deadend road.

It led to me wasting months searching job boards, writing into the void, and leaving a lot of money on the table.


But after months of banging my head against the wall, I discovered 5 effective strategies for finding high-paying freelance writing jobs.


These strategies are the foundation of what has led to my landing several premium freelance writing clients that give me high-paying work each month.


These strategies have also allowed me to build a Lifestyle Career writing online that earns me over $100K a year.


And the best part? I’ve shared these strategies with other freelance writers, and it’s helped them land consistently high-paying freelance writing jobs.


Here, I’ll show you those strategies and give you actionable tips so you can start paying the bills as a freelance writer.

1. Build a strong online presence.

You must build a strong online presence to stand out as a freelance writer and attract premium clients in your niche.


This may seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many writers aren’t capitalizing on this pillar for finding high-paying freelance writing jobs.


There’s more to building an online presence than creating an X profile or posting on LinkedIn once a week. Anyone can do these things in a matter of an hour.


Instead, create a professional website showcasing your portfolio and expertise to rise above your competition. This will immediately give you credibility and authority in your chosen niche.


On your website, boost your credibility and authority by including client testimonials, writing blogs on trending topics in your niche, and sharing your personal story. Your story should detail your background and why you’re an expert freelance writer in your niche.


Another way to strengthen your online presence is to optimize your social media profiles, namely LinkedIn and X. Posting daily and engaging with others on these platforms are incredibly effective strategies for enhancing your online visibility.


LinkedIn is the best platform for connecting with potential clients, including editors at top publications. You can also use LinkedIn to engage with other writers and experts in your niche, further growing your online presence.


X is a fantastic platform for networking and engaging with other freelance writers, solopreneurs, and like-minded people with whom you can build communities.


The relationships you build on LinkedIn and X can increase your visibility online and the likelihood of getting more work in the future.

2. Communicate like a real person.

With the rise of AI tools like ChatGPT, people crave authentic human interactions (and content) more than ever.


Most clients I work with explicitly state they want zero use of AI in their content. They only want to work with skilled writers who condense complex topics into straightforward, digestible content for their audience.


Every potential client wants to know that:


  • You’re a genuine, authentic person.
  • You have strong communication skills.
  • You’re friendly and a pleasure to work with.

Your personality is what makes you stand out. Use a casual, conversational tone when communicating with potential clients.


Some of the best advice I’ve received when communicating with prospective clients is to “write how you talk.”


So, instead of asking ChatGPT to pump out a generic template email that you use to spam hundreds of editors, just be yourself and avoid sounding like a robot.


Before reaching out to a potential client, spend 10-15 minutes browsing their website/social media content and determine the following:


  • What tone do they use?
  • What’s their overarching message?
  • What type of content do they put out?
  • Would you actually enjoy working for them?

3. Specialize in high-paying niches where there's demand for quality content.

While choosing a niche you’re interested in is an essential aspect of building a sustainable freelance writing career, you must identify ones where there are actual opportunities to make money.


Chances are you won’t find high-paying jobs if you specialize in pet grooming or agriculture instead of FinTech or B2B content marketing. Your niche must have a demand for quality content.


However, make sure it’s a niche you’re at least somewhat interested to avoid burning out. You’ll be writing about topics in this niche a lot, so you may as well enjoy it.


Some helpful tips for identifying high-paying niches are:


  • Research industry trends: Look for niches that are growing or undergoing significant changes, as there is often a demand for fresh, quality content in these areas.
  • Explore specialized markets: Niches requiring specialized knowledge (e.g., technical, finance, legal writing) have fewer qualified writers, meaning higher demand and potentially higher pay.
  • Analyze keywords and SEO trends: Use tools like Google Trends, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to identify keywords and topics gaining traction. High search volumes indicate a potential demand for content in that niche.
  • Examine successful freelance writers in your chosen niche: If other writers are thriving, it’s a good sign there’s demand for content in that particular area. Lose the scarcity mindset—there are plenty of writing opportunities for everyone.
  • Understand audience needs: Regardless of the niche, you must understand the audience’s pain points, interests, and questions. Writing content on your website that addresses these needs can attract high-paying clients.

When I first started writing online, identifying my high-paying niche was simple.


I was already a certified nutritionist with a fitness background, so reaching out to publications and brands in the Health and Wellness space was easy.


Once you identify your high-paying niche, position yourself as an expert to attract clients willing to pay you premium rates for your specialized knowledge.

4. Avoid platforms like Upwork and Fiverr.

Most gurus will tell you to use Upwork or Fiverr to land your first freelance writing jobs.


Ignore this advice.


These platforms are saturated with freelance writers, the clients are lower quality, and the pay isn’t worth your time (even as a beginner).


Instead, use Google and LinkedIn to find reputable publications/brands in the high-paying niche you’ve identified.


Then, reach out to their editors directly. The best way to do this is to study their website and content for 10-15 minutes. 


You can find an editor’s email address if it’s listed on the company website or by using the Chrome extension Hunter, which searches websites for email addresses.


Alternatively, use LinkedIn’s advanced search filters for finding editors. You can message them directly on LinkedIn and send an invitation to connect along with a short note introducing yourself.


Next, create your customized cold outreach message for each potential client. The last thing you want is to spam editors with a generic, templated email. They can sniff out bullshit a mile away and will quickly send your message to the Trash folder.


When finding high-paying freelance writing jobs, sending 5-10 well-written, customized cold emails is far more effective than 100+ spammy emails.


Remember, effective communication is all about authenticity. 

5. Inject your personality into your website and content to stand out.

Showcasing your personality will help separate you from other freelance writers vying for your potential client’s attention.

Plus, it signals to potential clients that you’d be a pleasure to work with.

But beyond using a conversational tone in your emails and communicating like a real person, consider injecting your personality into your website and content to really stand out from the herd.

So, what can you add to your website to make it unique by showing off your personality?

Here are some ideas:

  • Include a short video introducing yourself on your Home page instead of having a simple About Me page.
  • Take your About Me page to the next level by sharing personal stories, hobbies, and experiences that have shaped who you are.
  • Maintain a personal blog alongside your portfolio.
  • Highlight any personal writing projects or passion projects you’ve worked on.
  • (e.g., Creative writing, poetry, or articles that reflect your interests outside your niche.)
  • Share behind-the-scenes glimpses into your writing process, workspace, or daily routines. This strategy humanizes your brand and makes you more relatable.
  • If appropriate, inject humor into your writing. This can make your content more enjoyable and memorable.

Your personality is what makes you unique and more visible to premium clients.

The 5 Best Strategies for Finding High-Paying Freelance Writing Jobs

Published: December 26, 2023
Read Time: 5 minutes

When I first got into freelance writing 3 years ago, I was clueless about finding online writing jobs. Especially ones that would pay well.


I thought all you had to do was peruse job boards, slap together a resume and portfolio, ship it off to clients, and wait for the work (and money) to start rolling in.


But this approach to finding freelance writing jobs is a deadend road.

It led to me wasting months searching job boards, writing into the void, and leaving a lot of money on the table.


But after months of banging my head against the wall, I discovered 5 effective strategies for finding high-paying freelance writing jobs.


These strategies are the foundation of what has led to my landing several premium freelance writing clients that give me high-paying work each month.


These strategies have also allowed me to build a Lifestyle Career writing online that earns me over $100K a year.


And the best part? I’ve shared these strategies with other freelance writers, and it’s helped them land consistently high-paying freelance writing jobs.


Here, I’ll show you those strategies and give you actionable tips so you can start paying the bills as a freelance writer.

1. Build a strong online presence.

You must build a strong online presence to stand out as a freelance writer and attract premium clients in your niche.


This may seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many writers aren’t capitalizing on this pillar for finding high-paying freelance writing jobs.


There’s more to building an online presence than creating an X profile or posting on LinkedIn once a week. Anyone can do these things in a matter of an hour.


Instead, create a professional website showcasing your portfolio and expertise to rise above your competition. This will immediately give you credibility and authority in your chosen niche.


On your website, boost your credibility and authority by including client testimonials, writing blogs on trending topics in your niche, and sharing your personal story. Your story should detail your background and why you’re an expert freelance writer in your niche.


Another way to strengthen your online presence is to optimize your social media profiles, namely LinkedIn and X. Posting daily and engaging with others on these platforms are incredibly effective strategies for enhancing your online visibility.


LinkedIn is the best platform for connecting with potential clients, including editors at top publications. You can also use LinkedIn to engage with other writers and experts in your niche, further growing your online presence.


X is a fantastic platform for networking and engaging with other freelance writers, solopreneurs, and like-minded people with whom you can build communities.


The relationships you build on LinkedIn and X can increase your visibility online and the likelihood of getting more work in the future.

2. Communicate like a real person.

With the rise of AI tools like ChatGPT, people crave authentic human interactions (and content) more than ever.


Most clients I work with explicitly state they want zero use of AI in their content. They only want to work with skilled writers who condense complex topics into straightforward, digestible content for their audience.


Every potential client wants to know that:


  • You’re a genuine, authentic person.
  • You have strong communication skills.
  • You’re friendly and a pleasure to work with.

Your personality is what makes you stand out. Use a casual, conversational tone when communicating with potential clients.


Some of the best advice I’ve received when communicating with prospective clients is to “write how you talk.”


So, instead of asking ChatGPT to pump out a generic template email that you use to spam hundreds of editors, just be yourself and avoid sounding like a robot.


Before reaching out to a potential client, spend 10-15 minutes browsing their website/social media content and determine the following:


  • What tone do they use?
  • What’s their overarching message?
  • What type of content do they put out?
  • Would you actually enjoy working for them?

3. Specialize in high-paying niches where there's demand for quality content.

While choosing a niche you’re interested in is an essential aspect of building a sustainable freelance writing career, you must identify ones where there are actual opportunities to make money.


Chances are you won’t find high-paying jobs if you specialize in pet grooming or agriculture instead of FinTech or B2B content marketing. Your niche must have a demand for quality content.


However, make sure it’s a niche you’re at least somewhat interested to avoid burning out. You’ll be writing about topics in this niche a lot, so you may as well enjoy it.


Some helpful tips for identifying high-paying niches are:


  • Research industry trends: Look for niches that are growing or undergoing significant changes, as there is often a demand for fresh, quality content in these areas.
  • Explore specialized markets: Niches requiring specialized knowledge (e.g., technical, finance, legal writing) have fewer qualified writers, meaning higher demand and potentially higher pay.
  • Analyze keywords and SEO trends: Use tools like Google Trends, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to identify keywords and topics gaining traction. High search volumes indicate a potential demand for content in that niche.
  • Examine successful freelance writers in your chosen niche: If other writers are thriving, it’s a good sign there’s demand for content in that particular area. Lose the scarcity mindset—there are plenty of writing opportunities for everyone.
  • Understand audience needs: Regardless of the niche, you must understand the audience’s pain points, interests, and questions. Writing content on your website that addresses these needs can attract high-paying clients.

When I first started writing online, identifying my high-paying niche was simple.


I was already a certified nutritionist with a fitness background, so reaching out to publications and brands in the Health and Wellness space was easy.


Once you identify your high-paying niche, position yourself as an expert to attract clients willing to pay you premium rates for your specialized knowledge.

4. Avoid platforms like Upwork and Fiverr.

Most gurus will tell you to use Upwork or Fiverr to land your first freelance writing jobs.


Ignore this advice.


These platforms are saturated with freelance writers, the clients are lower quality, and the pay isn’t worth your time (even as a beginner).


Instead, use Google and LinkedIn to find reputable publications/brands in the high-paying niche you’ve identified.


Then, reach out to their editors directly. The best way to do this is to study their website and content for 10-15 minutes. 


You can find an editor’s email address if it’s listed on the company website or by using the Chrome extension Hunter, which searches websites for email addresses.


Alternatively, use LinkedIn’s advanced search filters for finding editors. You can message them directly on LinkedIn and send an invitation to connect along with a short note introducing yourself.


Next, create your customized cold outreach message for each potential client. The last thing you want is to spam editors with a generic, templated email. They can sniff out bullshit a mile away and will quickly send your message to the Trash folder.


When finding high-paying freelance writing jobs, sending 5-10 well-written, customized cold emails is far more effective than 100+ spammy emails.


Remember, effective communication is all about authenticity. 

5. Inject your personality into your website and content to stand out.

Showcasing your personality will help separate you from other freelance writers vying for your potential client’s attention.

Plus, it signals to potential clients that you’d be a pleasure to work with.

But beyond using a conversational tone in your emails and communicating like a real person, consider injecting your personality into your website and content to really stand out from the herd.

So, what can you add to your website to make it unique by showing off your personality?

Here are some ideas:

  • Include a short video introducing yourself on your Home page instead of having a simple About Me page.
  • Take your About Me page to the next level by sharing personal stories, hobbies, and experiences that have shaped who you are.
  • Maintain a personal blog alongside your portfolio.
  • Highlight any personal writing projects or passion projects you’ve worked on.
  • (e.g., Creative writing, poetry, or articles that reflect your interests outside your niche.)
  • Share behind-the-scenes glimpses into your writing process, workspace, or daily routines. This strategy humanizes your brand and makes you more relatable.
  • If appropriate, inject humor into your writing. This can make your content more enjoyable and memorable.

Your personality is what makes you unique and more visible to premium clients.